Some pictures are missing from our day at Cape Canaveral, but I will post what I have.
We were waiting to watch a 3D movie and escape the heat for a little bit. Drew and Jillian had half the popcorn gone before we even got in.

Vacation Face with 3D glasses.

Jillian was not wanting to wear her glasses.... or really even watch the movie. Her and dad made an early exit while D and I watched the rest. One of the main astronauts in the film was named Drew and he thought that was pretty awesome.

Vacation face with a lovely celestial background.

A picture for Uncle Brett.

My sweet peas.

Being cute as always.

Drew LOVED this astronaut!

Jillian wouldn't go near him or her without us, so it became a family photo op.

The boys inside the shuttle.

No one has given me an
explanation for the backward flag on the shuttle. Baffling.

Pictures 19 - 74 missing