After a long drive down to West Plains we arrived late Friday night. First thing we did of course was open presents. The kids were pleased with Grandma Pam's plan.

Tons of cute clothes, tons of fun stuff and tons of candy!

Drew got a tent-tunnel-tepee from Grandma Pam and Grandpa George that was a big hit with both kids. I can't believe I don't have a picture of it. I made it in the background of some of the pictures. I have been a little lacks on my picture taking lately. My future as a paparazzi may not be as bright as once thought.

Grandpa Corky

The Bean

Our attempt at getting the kids picture with grandpa Corky. They had other ideas like rolling around and wrestling with each other.

Sunday morning after breakfast, Grandma Pam made the kids hot chocolate with marshmallow cream on top. Here is messy face girl - she only wanted the marshmallow, imagine that.

Drew on the other hand loved it all.

Grandma Pam and Drew before we left.

Grandpa George, Maggie and Drew

Jillian and some crazy pigtails with Grandpa George

Grandma Pam and her grandkids.
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