We had a free weekend and Drew has been asking for Baby Claire to come to our house. So Tammy and Bryce went out for a child free dinner and movie while we enjoyed their sweet baby girl. She looks a lot like a baby Bryce in the picture below.

We did a lot of prep work for her visit. Cleaned the house, separated out appropriate toys and cleaned them because you know where they are going- her mouth. We put toys out in the living room and Jillian's room and closed off the rest.
Drew and Claire staking together.

Jillian "sharing" with baby cousin.

Jillian was a little jealous of Claire. I guess that is to be expected. She is used to being the only beautiful girl in the house.

After some playing and feeding Claire solids all the kids enjoyed some yogurt melts. After snack Andy decided to take Jillian to the store, we didn't want her to be jealous or sad. She loved having time just her and daddy.
I tried hard to make Jillian feel like she was the big girl showing Claire how to do things. She had just been playing with the balls on the side of the cube and then Claire did it. I tried to tell her she showed Claire them, but I don't think she bought it.
I love Claire's little rock when the music starts and love how Jillian was petting her. At least they were gentle touches is all I can say.
Big girl standing up. She is a fast crawler, pulling up to everything and walking really well behind toys. She is growing up fast. Claire will be 1 on March 25th.

Playing with the scarves.

Drew had a red scarf and every time he put it on his head she would put the green one on hers.

My favorite picture of the day - giggle action shot.


Claire and Drew chillin on the caterpillar.

Honking Drew's nose.


Claire has a caterpillar like this at home, so I think it made her feel super comfortable.

I think Claire and Drew have a special bond. He plays with her so sweetly and she cracks up at his craziness.

Look at that wild hair from rolling around.

Our hallway was the perfect drag strip for Claire to walk or crawl up and down and up and down and up and down. Her and Drew were having so much fun.
Nothing sweeter than baby giggles.
As crazy and hyperactive as my little man could be, he was super careful around his favorite baby cousin.
Check out her cutie pants - Drew kept saying "come here you little quaker."

How Sweet!

I am a little embarrassed by this next video for a couple of reasons. Reason number 1 is the fact that my 4 year old can not follow a simple direction and number 2 the way I am talking to him. He wasn't really doing anything horribly wrong.
Claire had a ball making a mess.
Even after I talk down to Drew he is still being so helpful when picking up. "No problem, I got it" he says. I would probably learn a lot if I just taped myself and listen to how I talk to the kids and probably Andy too.

More laps

After Claire's early evening bottle that took nosy Nancy almost an hour to finish, I laid her down for a nap. She was supposed to eat another solid on my time but she just kept sleeping. I text Bryce to see if I should wake her and he said no. She was still sleeping when they came to pick her up. Tammy even had a hard time waking her up. We definitely wore her out and she slept hard.
This girl did not whine, fuss or cry once while at our house, not even when I put her down for a nap. (She is spoiling her parents). So glad she came over to play and hopefully we will do it more often. The Roberts love them some baby Claire!
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