My mom came down in the beginning of February to accompany me to the dentist with the kids. This was Jillian's first visit and I had a feeling it wouldn't be totally smooth.

Our dentist office is awesome. So easy going and child friendly (probably should be since it is a pediatric dentist office. Drew did great as usual, x-rays, cleaning and doctor check was a breeze. Sister on the other hand, wouldn't even lay down in the chair, so the hygienist started her out by letting them brush the dinosaur's teeth.

She played along with that, but still no cleaning.

Dr. Jill tried every trick in the book to get her to open up.

Jillian finally cooperated, she counted her teeth and just made note of her molars coming in. Next time is a cleaning, at least one is scheduled. We will see, I am a little skeptical.

At our dentist the kids get a bag of tooth care goodies, a balloon, a toy and ice cream. They will try anything to get kids to like the dentist.

So the kids enjoyed some 9:00 am ice cream!

After the dentist we went on a blizzard adventure trying to find Chuck E Cheese, that was interesting to say the least. I let Drew's dentist balloon fly out of the van (I broke his heart) and then he threw a major fit on the floor when I said it was time to leave. I looked at some lady and said "can you believe that, some people just can't control their kids, geesh!"
Ahhh, another day in paradise. Thanks for the help mom, next visit is August. Pencil us in.
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