We had this great idea to cut shaggy Drew's hair ourselves. We were just going to shave it all off, a summer cut. Then we thought why not give him a weekend mohawk and shave it off Sunday night. Drew was excited for the cut......

at first and then it got old fast....

and he became grumpier......

and whinier....

and whinier....

then mad.

Oh wait.. that wasn't so bad.

Then he saw what dad did to him. Mad again. I am not sure he knew what a
mohawk was when he agreed to it. (Please notice the diaper that Jillian removed herself).

Then he warmed up to the idea. It was a lot cooler spiked up.

Dad putting on the finishing touches. Oh man he is excited.
This kid is cute no matter what we do to his hair!!
Cutie Mohawk Man

Captain Mohawk Underpants is cracking himself up.


The finished final product side view.
Maybe the funniest video ever.
mohawk does not make you to cool for Goofy underwear and playing with your little sister.

I have to say when Andy started shaving the side of his head I had immediate buyer's remorse, but I think it turned out pretty cute at least for the weekend.
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