Drew started swim lesson last week. This boy is a little timid around the water and it is time to get over this fear. So they call everyone over for introduction and to split them up into groups. Drew takes off on his own, so Andy and I stay behind and then he realizes we are not following him and comes back.

Drew not listening and putting his towel over his face. He wasn't excited about swim lessons. He told me he already knows how to swim, just move your arms and legs around.

His grump face.

Walking with his group with the towel over his head. This is not going so smoothly.

At least he got in the water.

Waiting on the side for his turn for the exercises.

Drew blowing bubbles. I think this is the only one he did that day. When the instructors would put out their arms for him to come in, he would say no thank you.

My poor little guy being scared.

Oh yeah, he did the bobbing too. Which was just jumping up and down in the water the first day.


So day one was iffy. He came running to me a couple times and I would give him pep talks. Day two was better and day three was the turning point. I would tell him all he had to do was try, it is always scary at first, that being brave was doing something that was scary to him and that I knew that he could do it. That is the swimming lessons pep talk in a nut shell.

So day 3 the tried almost everything and every time he was done he would yell over to wear most parents sit "Mom I did it, even though I was scared." I would give him the thumbs up and clap for him. I could tell he was proud of him self and I was soooo proud of him. His latest swim lesson on Tuesday he also had a big accomplishment - he put his head all the way underwater without holding his nose. I nearly jumped out of my seat I was so excited for him. We are definitely making progress.
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