After the Bar exam we were all ready for a much needed vacation. First stop, gas station.

I would yell "road trip" and my munchkins would repeat. :)

The beginning of our trip - we were all lovey dovey and excited to spend time with each other and our family.

Our second stop was to visit all of our friends in Pittsburg at the hospital.

Linsey, Me and Jo
(I don't know why we didn't take a picture when Anna was there)

On the way through Springfield we stopped at my most favorite restaurant - Nakatos.
The kids loved the chop sticks and the "show."

Our chef recognized Andy and I. We haven't been there in over 3 years I think. We remembered him too, but there are not that many that have been there that long.

Jillian loved the edamame. Drew not so much.

Then off to Grandma Pam's.