Jillian's 3rd birthday party was a Luau at the Bonner Springs Pool.
Todd and Luke Nicholson under their water umbrella.

Jenny, Shannon and Tanya
There are no floatation devices (rings, floaties etc.) allowed at this pool. So I could look at it as he is not following the rules are just being resourceful.
She shoots.....
she SCORES!!!
The Boys!
My Gorgeous Upside Down Birthday Girl!!!
Drew pouring a bucket of water on Ms. Lindsey's head.
Boyfriend Nate

Right before the cupcakes Jillian fell off the picnic table seat and cracked her head on the concrete. I thought for a minute she might get a CT scan for her birthday. Cupcakes made it all better though.
I thinky Lukey likey.
Jillian best friend Addison.
Ashton, McKenna and Addison
Gage, Ally and Jilli.
Mr. Mason guarding the gifts.
mmmmmmmm.... cake.
I am just guessing, but I think Rhett enjoyed his cupcake.
Jillian opening her gift from the Schif girls.
I love how she would "read" the cards first.
Dress up.
I loved the homemade art on the front of her card.
Big brother gift. Because he wouldn't be a big brother with out her birthday.
Right after this picture I accidentally threw the camera and it wouldn't work again. Oops! Glad the party was almost over. It was a perfect night and super fun birthday party.

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