Grandpa Corky came over to Grandma Pam's to visit the kiddos, and us I guess too.

3 Generations of Roberts Boys - all with the same sense of humor.

Thanks for the nice picture boys.

Grandpa Corky, Drew, Jillian and Andy

Grandpa watching his grandbabies play with Jillian's princesses.

We decided to go to the park and let the kids run some energy off.

I didn't know West Plains had such a cool park - tons of equipment. The kids loved it.

Such a sweet smile.

Grandma Pam decided to join the kids on the playground equipment.

I think the slide was faster than she bargained for.

Best buddies these two.

Andy's parents and his children.

I am not certain what this look means, but I pretty sure it means she is up to no good.

After nap we headed to McDonald's playland to meet my friends and their girls.
Ashlea and Miss Mylea.
Ella Claire playing shy.

Virginia was having a ball, no time to be shy when there is playing to do.

Smiley Mylea

EC may be warming up to me.

Ella and Jillian

Wonder if these girls will be best friends like their mamas.

Chessin Drew and Virginia

Sweet Ella

A perfect smiling baby picture. The newest Adams girl - Kinlee

There's a big Ella smile.

Wonder what this mischievous little girls are up to.

Virginia and Jillian

We went back to the awesome park, because WP's playland leaves much to be desired in the cleanliness aspect.
Brixey and Drew selling ice cream (dirt and weed ice cream).

These two were born just days apart.

Drew and Mylea with what we call at our house "the pancake face."

Lastly, just before bed a visit from Uncle Chris.
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