We hit the road early the next morning. It is a long drive to Florida. Drew was set with his tiger ear phones and his smoothie.

There was a lot of coloring on this road trip and a lot of napping in the car.

We made a small detour and surprised Drew by stopping in Drew, Mississippi.
If you can't tell by that smile, he thought it was the coolest.

Drew standing in front of the water tower with DREW on it :)

Despite the awesome city sign, Drew, MS was a pretty sad little town.

Just like Downtown Julie Brown.

We drove until we couldn't drive no more. I can't even remember the town we stopped in, but we hit the hotel pool and then all conked out.

Sleeping children are the sweetest.

What's up Travel day number 2.

We made it to our resort late that night. Next day we had to shop for an important item we forgot - life jackets. I bought special ones to take on vaca and then forgot them. Then we went to the Millennia mall looking for Bass Pro and life jackets, we found neither. It was a pretty cool mall though.

Posing on her tippy toes.

Drew and Jillian

Two cute butts and crocs watching the fountains at the mall.

We finally got our life jackets and hit the pools.
I didn't know it at the time, but I was making my boys look directly into the sun for my picture.

Daddy and Sis


One silly guy.

Me and my babies enjoying our vacation.

Jillian and Drew hiding from me at the condo - I wonder where they could be?

Chillin in their room playing some Leapster.
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