Deer smushed my car AGAIN!!!!!

So I was on my way back from ANOTHER call back around midnight and not far from the hospital a deer ran right into my driver's side door. I had my window part way down enjoying the cool air and out of no where a big jolt and loud noise right next to me. I thought something was going on with my window at first, it felt like it was coming up and towards me. There is no cross street so I knew it wasn't a car. I immediately slam on my brakes and then I see some deer running across the road. I pull over and then I see the poor deer in the middle of the road. It was flailing and trying to stand, but it back legs were broken. Any of you that know me know this was excruciating for me. (and if you don't know me, why are you reading my blog) I called 911 and tell them I hit a deer and it is in the middle of the road and someone need to come put it down now. Of course I am crying hysterically and then I get disconnected. My phone for the first time is screwing up. I couldn't make a call or do anything. So I am in the middle a road in Kansas City crying and praying for God to stop it's suffering. It finally makes it way across the street by crawling and pulling itself with it's front legs. It was sitting on the side of the road licking it's wounds and then it would try and get up again, over and over. It was horrid to watch.

Finally the phone comes back on and I call the police back and they say that all the officers are busy and I should leave if I am uninjured and my car was drivable. Yeah right. I stayed there with this poor suffering deer for about 40 minutes until the cops showed up. Three people stopped to offer help but no one was able to help the deer. The last person that stopped was a tow truck driver, he went back to check on the deer and see if it was aggressive. He came back and told me what I already knew, that it couldn't survive, so he called the police and they showed up immediately (he must have connections). I left before they shot it. I had complete deer fear all the way home and was driving like a granny while having a small pity party for myself. My parents had just brought up their truck for me that morning because the Mountaineer needs transmission work and now this car is crunched. After some counseling from my husband and mom, then a drink and a hard sleep I got over my pity party and was ready for a fun family day on Saturday.

So as if that wasn't traumatizing enough there is more. On my way to work Sunday night a large white bellied bird drops from he sky and thuds on the hood of the Mountaineer, I didn't stop. They have a name for this I think - animal magnetism. (wa wa waaa) AND THEN...... I drive past the scene of the incident and there are three spotted fawns grazing right by the road. I killed their mama! Even more guilt. This really bothered me until my dad told me that it is highly unlikely that a doe had three fawns and that she was getting ready to kick them out anyway because it is almost mating season. Sigh..... Is this really my life?
Linsey - I almost had a cornea when it hit me AND it wasn't even deer seasoning (I need a good laugh till I cry again like that day you were telling the story of hitting the turkey).