After I finally got up and moving around we headed to Tiblow days. A little festival in Bonner. Drew was upset because we missed the parade I told him about, sorry buddy. We met our friends at the post office after the short hike. They were all leaving and we were just starting. Here is Owen, Levi and Drew patiently waiting while the grown ups chat. Jillian was strapped in the wagon and Emily was entertaining her as always.

The kids went "fishing" at a booth and Drew caught these cool cow glasses. I think it was the cutest thing we did and it was free. (Sponsored by a local church).

Watching and waiting for their turns on the planes. Jilli's little stance is pretty darn cute.

Of course the best big brother in the world shared his moo glasses with sister.

Take off.

Mid flight. Jillian did good until the very end when she finally saw me waving at her and then she started crying for her mama. Good one, huh? I should have just let her enjoy the ride.

Andy and Drew went to the Pirate ship that he loved last year and Jilli went into a bounce house.

She liked it a little if you can't tell.

Before we even got to the carnival part I told Drew since he was 3 years old he could ride 3 rides. He asked if next year when he is 4 years old can he ride 4 rides? Of course, I said. This seemed to make sense to him. So he knew he had to pick his three. The last was the carousel. Thank goodness he didn't notice that sis is two and she rode three rides.

Drew getting some help from the nasty carnie to win a fire hammer. Jillian got a pink dolphin and I immediately clorox wiped them both down when we got home. The carnival totally grosses me out.

So heavy sanitizing and then it was time for lunch. Sis enjoying a dog.

Then snow cones. Drew wanted a green one of course (that is his favorite color) but all they had was red and purple. He chose red and as soon as Jillian saw his she wanted one. Of course, why didn't I see this coming. So we went back for a purple one for her. She looks ever so pleased.

They didn't last long before they were trashed. Oh well, just a dollar and for a good cause, Project Graduation.

Goofy boy. Drew kept calling them Tibblie days - hehe.

We headed home after a couple of hours and prepared for backyard camping.
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