Sister always wants to sit on the vanity while I am putting on my make-up or doing my hair. I usually give her a fluffy brush and my blush and that keeps her content. So the other day I go back to the back bathroom and I find her with my mascara and a big glob of it right in the corner of her eye. I call Andy in to wipe it while I hold her still, then I told him to take some pictures while I got ready. These are the two less than stellar pictures he took.

Since this mascara incident she has been wanting to put on eyeshadow. So I let her if it the weekend or before bath. She must be paying attention because she always puts the make-up on the appropriate part of her face.

Now I just need to convince her that chap stick goes on her lips and not her chin. She is always stealing it off my dresser (by climbing the drawer handles), putting it on her chin and then digging into it with her fingernails and making a complete mess. What a stink.
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