Sunday night after the disastrous dinner I went to work and all was well. The next evening when Andy got back from his trip my mom left and I got ready for work. Every night before I leave for work I check on my babies and give them kisses. Jillian woke up and cuddled for a minute and laid her back down. A few minutes later came the screaming, we went in and she had vomited a little. Andy changed her bed clothes while I cuddled in the rocker with her. She went right back to bed so I left......

I probably made it five miles before Andy called and said round two put round one to shame. So I called into work and came back home. She vomited 3 times and did a lot of dry heaving in the night. This was the first night she has ever slept all night in our bed. She stayed home with me the next day and seemed to back to normal. The the squirts came Thursday and Friday. Poor little girl had a belly ache. She laid off food for at least 4 days and I don't know if her appetite is even back to normal now. With her diarrhea came horrible butt rash. She would cry when I wiped her and then every time I put cream on her she would say "thank you mama." So sweet that bean. And now I know why she was a crab the weekend before, plus we have a molar coming through.
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