Even when it was soggy, cold and windy - Papa built us a bonfire Saturday evening. Here are the kiddos running through the smoke.

Now playing on the gravel pile. Kids really don't need toys, they will find fun doing anything.

McKenzie, Drew and Jillian

Sliding down the gravel pile.

Not so slick, sis was getting stuck on the way down.

Papa, Nana and Kyle watching the little ones and Andy play on the gravel pile.

So Andy looks at the gravel pile and wonders if he can jump onto it?!?!? I am pretty sure that would never be my thought when looking at a pile of rocks. That is my husband for you. The answer is yes and Drew loved it. He yelled ever so emphatically "yeaaaaahhhhh daaaaad!" Andy's biggest fan.

Nana saved some bubbles from a wedding. She knew they would be a big hit with sister.

Jilli and her Nana.

Sister going crossed eyed while blowing bubbles.

Drew throwing the toy for the dogs. Lucy and Bailey love Nana and Papa's too.

Riding they toys down the "road."

Sweet Sister

Drew and his best buddy Kyle. Kyle and McKenzie surprised Drew by coming up this weekend. Drew has been missing his cousins a whole bunch. I told him we wouldn't see them until Thanksgiving and then he asked me everyday if it is Thanksgiving yet. Needless to say he was soooo excited.

The girls waiting for someone to throw their toy.

Weenie Roast

Drew supervising the cooks.
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