Friday evening the kids and I made some Halloween cookies. Our cookie mix called for one egg, but as soon as Drew got one out of the carton of course Jillian wanted an egg too. Here is Drew's first crack at egg cracking.

Of course sister wants to scoop flour too, so I gave her the butter bowl and let her have at it. This was the critical turning point in the degree of messiness that our little activity eventually reached.

I took the flour pants off Jillian and she decided to play with the flour mess on the floor.

Flour Face

She had a very specific plan and seemed very determined. Step one in her little experiment - remove sock.

Inspect the equipment - a little stinky yet clean.

Step 2 - move flour on the floor around with foot.
May have a little scientist on my hands - you think? ;)
So we (when I say we I mean me) cleaned up the mess, put our dough in the fridge and had a little dinner. Next step rolling out the dough.
Some serious rolling pin action.
Some not so serious rolling pin action.
Jillian would rather use her hands.
Drew just cut out the first pumpkin. Yes, I know it is a little gross that the boy is on the table in his underwear and socks, but these cookies are just for us. Plus it is impossible for the two of them to share a chair while we work on our cookies.
Jilli showing off her cookie cutting skills.
Action shot of flour debacle number two. Drew and Jillian we both amused by clapping their flour hands.
Showing me his flour hands, similar to jazz hands except of course in the the baking world as opposed to the dancing world.
Drew saying " oooohhh yeeaaahhh" while I sing the making a mess while dad is mowing the lawn song.
High Five!

We had the mess cleaned up before dad came in and then he helped us decorate the cookies.
Jillian would decorate a little and then eat a little.

and eat a little more...

and eat a little more...
Yes sister is in big girl panties, it was just a test not a success. Drew is wearing his super cool new spidey glow in the dark underwear from Nana. Thanks Nana!
The final product. You can tell which ones are Jillian's by the little finger smudges. She would put the mini m&ms on the cookie and then take then off to eat. Drew just ate the m&ms out of the little bowl.

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