Saturday morning Andy, the kids and I headed to Deanna Rose for their big fundraiser, pumpkin hollow.

Posing at the entrance.

Sister heard a rooster cock-a-doodle-do while we were waiting for the boys to potty.

There are those noisy chickens.

A hayride took us back to the special pumpkin patch. Poor Drew, the minute I put him on the hay he sneezed about 15 times.

Jilli bean enjoying the ride.

Me and my babies on the hay ride.

Lots of fun things to do. Climbing up the hay....

and sliding down. It was more of a sputter, but they still liked it.

Now on to the mini obstacle course.

Jillian climbed up this all by herself. She thinks she can do whatever Drew can, and more and more this is true.

Under the tires

They split for a while. Jillian wanted to play in the corn while Drew fished.

Andy and Drew fishin.

He caught one!

Still playing in the corn. This seems to be a very popular activity at pumpkin patches. The kids love it.

Running through the mini maze. I use the term maze lightly, it was in the shape of a T.

Action shot. This was a popular one, especially with Drew. You hit a piece of wood with a hammer and it flips the next piece of wood with the ball on it and sends it flying.

Corn cob ring toss. Drew would get so excited when he would get a ringer.

Climbing up hay bale stairs.

Follow the leader.

Jillian loved it. Her facial expression cracks me up in this one. Drew jumped off the bales and Jillian headed to follow brother as usual. Andy caught her and lowered her down.

Drew discovered the corn while sister took some more dad assisted "jumps" off the hay.

Impossible to get both of them at the same time. This was the one and only of Drew because he put his head too far in the hole and it got a little stuck. After that he was done with the scarecrows.

That is one happy scarecrow. Check out that dimple.

Playing peek-a-boo. Silly girl.

She was cracking herself up (and me too).

Funny how kids can look nothing like each other, but still make similar facial expressions. Jillian reminds me of Tara's Ella Claire in this picture.

Shooting hoops.

Another action shot. Drew didn't make a single shot, but that didn't stop him from having fun.

Last but not least picking out a pumpkin. I love this picture of Drew.

Unapproved pumpkin activity.

Time for some refreshment while waiting for our hayride back. I couldn't get Drew to put down his cup for a picture.

Sister seems to be a little accident prone lately. She fell in the pumpkins patch and a pumpkin's stem got her on the check. She was not happy.

The beautiful horses pulling us back.

Family picture with a distracted Jillian and scowling Drew.

My boys, I couldn't love them more.
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