Carrying over our big beautiful pumpkins that Papa grew for us.

My family (I swear the cutest family EVER) with my attempts at being artistic. I stress attempts.

Drew wanted scary and Jillian want "happy, smiling." She was so excited about her jack-o-lantern's heart shaped nose.

Cleaning out the guts. Drew favorite part. He made a pile of all the guts at the end and was walking through them barefoot.

Sister on the other hand didn't like her hands dirty. She enjoyed
stirring the seeds that I was separating out.

I don't know what Jillian is doing in this picture, but it is funny.

Andy the cutter (he has issues).

Drew and his scary pumpkin.

The final products.

The kids did not like posing for my pictures while it was freezing cold out, so I made it quick.

It was a very long day and so time for bed. I had to be up at 5:30 the next morning to go to work. boo
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