Big girl Claire enjoying her solids, I think it was garden vegetable, mmmmmmm.

This girl gets cuter by the minute.

Luce being lazy as usual. The dogs were pretty worn out, lots of playing and they went for a 2 mile run with Andy on Saturday.

Andy was snoozing in the living room, so I put Jillian's bunny next to him and covered them up with her pink blanky. I didn't want him to get cold.

Riding bikes

Action shot. Andy and Payton were kicking the soccer ball around.

Uncle Brett, Jillian and Kyle.

Jillian and I were blowing dandelion puffs.

Looking for more, oh there they are.

Andy and his baby girl.

Watch out sister's driving.

Drew looks scared.

Drew's turn.

Jillian wanted her blanket spread out on the floor just like baby Claire's.

Jillian and McKenzie playing with the dominos.

Watch out world, it won't be long before this girl is on the move.

Claire, Payton, Jillian and Anne

McKenzie and Drew

Drew and puny sis.

I don't want to know why his finger is in his mouth.

Nana putting her feet up after a long day of cooking and playing with grandbabies.

Kyle hiding from my picture - darn delay.

Great Thanksgiving with the family.
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