So in little tiny part of my brain that is still functioning, I thought the kids Halloween parade was Friday afternoon. Andy takes the kids to school most morning and including Friday morning. I told him to ask the teachers what time I could come and get the kids ready, so I could set my alarm. So he calls and said he hoped I wasn't planning on sleeping, which of course I was, hence the alarm setting. The parade was at 10:00 and I could come and get the kids ready at 9:30. I get there changed both and start to capture their parties. This is the one and only picture I took before my camera battery went dead.

So I ran home, got the charger and charged for 10 minutes. Now it was time for the "parade."

Each class parades in to the other rooms. Drew was a little upset because he thought there was going to be floats at this Halloween parade.. I guess I should have explained a little better to him.

Drew was the parade leader and he is waiting patiently for all of his friends to make it through the room. My handsome little Buzz.

Jillian's buddy Addison.

My sweet bumblebee.

Jillian had to hold Ms. Deb's hand while her class was parading because she was crying. She just couldn't understand why I was there just watching her and not holding her. So then it was time for me to leave, Ms. Deb was talking to her asking her if she was ready for coloring and for lunch and Jillian would give her the dirty look and say very gruff and stern "MY MOMMY!" Finally I had to hand her over and she was breaking my heart with her cries. When I picked her up Ms. Deb said it took her less than a minute to recover. It took
me longer than that!

Drew's friends Gavin and Evan peeking under the bathroom door while Drew was getting out of his costume. Drew wanted to go home with me too. I told him if mommy didn't get a little sleep we wouldn't be able to carve pumpkins that night. That is all it took for him.

So I have to admit, not one of my finer moments. I must have looked like a disorganized lunatic to the other parents. Oh well what can I say, I was a disorganized lunatic.
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