For those of you that don't know, I won Elmo tickets on the radio last week. I was so excited, I really wanted to go but tickets were not really in our new budget. It must have been destiny. We went Sunday afternoon. Below I was trying to get a nice picture of my boys before it started. Didn't quite work out.

I said Drew I was trying to take a nice picture and you had your mouth open. Then a few seconds later I snapped sisters and she does the same thing.

Our picture taking was a little less than stellar that day, but I will post them anyway.

The show was Elmo 1 2 3 Imagine. Here we are closing our eyes, clapping and imagining. Amazingly what they told us to image was on stage when we opened our eyes.

Drew is really putting some effort into this imagining. I think I was the only one that really closed their eyes.

Imagining we are in Mexico visiting Rosita's abuela.

Imagining we are under the sea with Bert.
I knew sister would love this, but I was surprise how much Drew loved the show. Here he is dancing along.

Imagining we are at the beach, surfing.


We brought our Elmo doll, light up toy and hat we bought last year. Drew was a little disappointed we didn't buy the Elmo flag he wanted, but it didn't stop the fun.


Right after intermission was over, Jillian was sitting on my lap watching intently and I felt something warm running down my leg. With all of her dancing, her diaper must have gotten pulled off to one side. I took her to the bathroom, changed her and got cleaned up. We didn't have extra pants with us and they didn't have hand dryers in the bathroom, so sis spent the rest of the show pantless. It didn't stop her from dancing.

Me and my main man.

Time to say good- bye.
Our fun Sunday made up for the crappiness of Saturday. We ended the weekend on a good note.
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