Last week at daycare it was occupation week. Drew's teacher in green room sent out a letter to all the parents informing them of some of the week's activities and asked for any parents with time to give a simple 15 minutes presentation about their occupation. Andy said they kids probably didn't need to hear about unemployment so I said that I would. I took the kids in to take some pictures of fake radiology procedures. Below Larissa is pretending to give Drew a hand x-ray. He liked the big camera.

Pretending to take a picture of his abdomen.

I love Drew's expression in this one, he looks scared and amused all at once.

Next for a ride on the CT table.

And into the scanner....

"Jilli turn!" She must say this phrase about 25 times a day.

Next onto ultrasound. This is not my favorite machine, but I guess it will work for some pictures. Some people were actually doing work.

Drew dodging the pic.

Ready for his scan.

He liked being slimed!

"Jilli turn!"

So I had a plan for my presentation to 10, 4 year olds - needless to day it didn't go quite as planned, oh well. I think Drew liked telling all his friends about things in radiology.
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