Saturday while I was at work Andy braved a bowling birthday party for our neighbor friend Levi, with both Drew and Jillian. Just typing that makes me stressed out. Below the kids are checking out Levi's superhero cake.

The had a ramp and the gutter were blocked so it was just a matter of giving it a good push.

They made superhero mask.

Drew and his spikey birthday party hair thanks to dad, working diligently on his mask.

Birthday boy Levi getting ready to blow out his candles. Of course Jillian had a front row seat and I think gave him a little help with the wind.

The whole party clan.

Enjoying the cake. Andy emphasized to me how yummy this birthday cake was and I asked if he brought me home a piece. Of course his answer was "NO." Is it too much to ask, to bring a working mama a piece of cake home! Geesh!

Time for presents. Andy said Levi tore through them at record speed.

So here is a brief summary of the party from what Andy told me. Busy bowling alley, Drew throwing fits, Andy falling in front of everyone and yummy cake. When I ask Drew about it he said it was awesome and he had a great time. That's all that matters I guess.
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