Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Scene of the Crime

We went over to the Wilson's to celebrate Brant's birthday. It was a hot wheels party. Drew with his upside down visor.
Jillian loved the coloring sheets, no surprise.
Our friend Cole from school was there too. Drew was excited and a little confused. It is funny how they think certain people are only in their lives in certain places.
The love birds - Nate and Jillian were have a time playing with the balloons on the porch.
They are so stinkin cute.

Swinging at the pinata. He had a good hit but didn't break it.
Sister gave it a whack.
Time for cake, ice cream and presents.

Notice Nate and Jillian are right next to each other. It is so cute to hear them say each others names. Jillian is a hard one for little ones.
We got Brant some Pop Rocks with his toy and I think the adults were more excited about the candy than the birthday boy.
So this is where sand got in our camera. Jillian was playing in the sandbox and took of her shoes (don't ask, I don't know). So when we were gathering our stuff to leave I set her shoes on top in the diaper bag and sand from her shoes went into the camera that was set in there lens up. A week plus gone and now we have been puny for a week, so I will plan to take some pics. Otherwise I won't have post for another two weeks.

Sick Humor

Drew wanting to wear his cow costume is not unusual and us having steak for dinner is not that unusual, but then Andy found it necessary to commemorate his dry humor in a picture. I thought I would share.
I was in the living room and Andy proudly brought in the camera to show me his funny picture. And yes the cow was a cannibal, he likes steak.

Block Party

The church where the kids go to daycare had a block party. So glad we checked it out. Drew driving the fire truck.
Jilli's turn.

What a little poser?

Hopefully the only time I see my boy in the back of a police car.
Taking a hay ride around the parking lot. Drew liked the tractor that was pulling us around.
Me and the sis. She is posing again. Work it girl.
One of the firemen climbed to the top of the ladder and waved at all the kids, it was a big hit.
Drew wanted his face painted. We stood in line forever. He decided he wanted a cat face like the girl in front of him.
He held very still and was very patient.
Didn't even crack a smile, I thought it might tickle.
There is that famous Drew smile that melts my heart. Meow!
It didn't last more than an hour, he wiped it off.

New Old Pictures - Play-doh

Long lost pictures from the camera. I picked the kids up early on a Friday and brought out all the play-doh. They loved it.

Sister's hair, ahhhhh! I put it up most mornings or a barrette to keep it out of her face. After a long day of playing and napping, it usually comes home looking like this or worse.
I love this boy. He makes up words, stories, you name it and they are so entertaining. He has a good imagination. Please notice (how could you not) Jillian's lack of volume control. Her volumes are yell or whisper, we will have to work on that.

Entertaining herself with the letter U.

I like how she says "and" between the stamps.
My little child genius. I think she is a bright one and so does her new teacher. Jillian was showing off her letter/number/shape/color skills the other day and Ms. Deb was very impressed.

We had all the play-doh picked up, table cleaned up and floor swept before daddy got home. He would have know we played if we hadn't told him. Andy doesn't love messy play time.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Halloween Preview

The kids had their pictures taken this morning in their Halloween costumes. Drew woke up sick in the middle of the night and had a fever this morning. Needless to say I was super pleased with how they turned out. Does anyone remember the bawling pirate from last year? Here is the link.

Just type SHANNON ROBERTS in the customer name.

Our camera is fixed and back at home, I will post new old pictures soon.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We Are Alive.

I know it may seem that we have suddenly gone into hiding, but that is not the case. My camera is broken. It has sand it it. It is at the camera place right now and I hope that it will be done tomorrow. There are some pictures on it right now, waiting to be posted. So in the mean time I thought I would post some pictures from my phone. They are pretty random, but none the less cute.
These two pictures are from Sunday after I got home from work. They kids were playing in the backyard in their playhouse. Andy swears her hair was in a clip almost the whole day. I think that her hair in her face even bothers her sometimes. She has started to sweep it out of her way. The two blurry objects are Drew's fingers as he is shooing me and my phone away.

Sitting at their table watching a movie on my computer while eating dinner. This is the day of carpet installation and the kitchen table was not accessible and our TV wasn't hooked back up yet. I think this is a pretty cute one.

Having dinner outside. This semester Andy has a lot of later classes, so the kids and I end up having dinner without him a lot :(

A blurry picture of me and a sick Jilli. She was home from school this day.

Silly sister, she wasn't acting very sick, but her temperature told me otherwise.

Hydrating, an important key to recovery.

It is kind of hard to tell just by looking at the picture, but Jillian is sitting on the time out stool upside down, with the legs of the stool stretching her night gown out and resting her book on the stretched out gown.

And she is looking at me like I am the crazy one for taking her picture. She is such a silly goose.

Tumble Time

Drew and his Halloween underwear. I didn't know they were going to be such a big hit. The ghosty ones glow in the dark and he has been wearing them for over a month (no not straight, I know how it sounded).

Dirty look from the sis and a smile from my boy. The look is probably because I am taking her picture and not helping get the flash cards down.
Brownie girl curled up in the corner. Such a sweet pooch.

Just playing her Jilli's room. She loves these scarves.

I have some more on my phone (some cute ones of the boy), but now it won't send them to my email so I can upload them here. I bet there is blogger app on my phone. I will try and figure it out, cross your fingers. When the camera gets back there will be more pics coming soon. We have some much needed family fun planned this weekends too. Pray me camera is salvageable. I don't want to buy a new one.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Conversations With My Two Year Old

On our way to Wal-Mart for a quick last minute hot dog run, Jillian is singing her heart out along with her favorite Backyardigans CD. Her voice was a little gruff, so it goes:

Me: Jillian, are you a little hoarse?
Jillian: Yeah
Jillian: neeeeigh