Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving at the Henke's

Big girl Claire enjoying her solids, I think it was garden vegetable, mmmmmmm.
This girl gets cuter by the minute.
Luce being lazy as usual. The dogs were pretty worn out, lots of playing and they went for a 2 mile run with Andy on Saturday.
Andy was snoozing in the living room, so I put Jillian's bunny next to him and covered them up with her pink blanky. I didn't want him to get cold.
Riding bikes
Action shot. Andy and Payton were kicking the soccer ball around.
Uncle Brett, Jillian and Kyle.

Jillian and I were blowing dandelion puffs.

Looking for more, oh there they are.
Andy and his baby girl.
Watch out sister's driving.
Drew looks scared.
Drew's turn.
Jillian wanted her blanket spread out on the floor just like baby Claire's.
Jillian and McKenzie playing with the dominos.
Watch out world, it won't be long before this girl is on the move.
Claire, Payton, Jillian and Anne
McKenzie and Drew
Drew and puny sis.
I don't want to know why his finger is in his mouth.
Nana putting her feet up after a long day of cooking and playing with grandbabies.
Kyle hiding from my picture - darn delay.
Great Thanksgiving with the family.

Early Birthday

Uncle Brett and Aunt Anne brought Drew's birthday gift and asked if they could give it to him, since they won't be able to make it up for his birthday. Of course I said yes and Drew was so excited. We have been taking about his birthday for months and finally it is getting close.
Spidey is a big hit with this kid.
Even a Spiderman card - so cool.
He played with these all weekend long, and no signs of stopping yet.
Thank you Brett, Anne, Kyle, Payton and McKenzie!!!!

Drew Holding Baby Claire

Probably my favorite pictures of the weekend. Baby Claire must know how much Drew loves her, because I think she loves him too. Sweet hugs.
Sharing a moment of cousinly love.
Left hook to the eye.
Drew: She poked me in the eye.
Claire: Look at me, I'm cute.
Drew: She poked me in the eye.
Claire: Opps, sorry cousin Drew.
Claire: Are you okay Drew?
Drew: I still love you baby Claire.
Drew and I had a conversation this weekend about, just like it is his job to teach and protect his little sister, that he has the same job as big cousin. Watch out little boys of Overland Park, Drew has his eye on you.

Domino Dad and Drew

Saturday night while sister and I were holding down the recliner in Nana and Papa's living room, Drew and dad were setting up domino runs. Drew was instructing dad on the layout and dad was very carefully setting them up.
Drew's job was to place the last domino and start the run. Drew was loving this.

Pictures by Drew

My little man is becoming quite the little photographer. His favorite subject of course, baby Claire.
She is pretty irresistible. The camera calls her name.
Sometimes he would move the camera before the picture would take. My camera has a pretty long delay. Still cute though, even with a date stamped chin. This girl can pull anything off.
Okay a sympathy shot for mom and Jillian. I don't blame him for choosing Claire over us. Jilli and I weren't exactly beauty queens at that moment. Poor sister looks ever so pathetic, she was one sick little girl and unfortunately still is. Her Dora nightgown Nana got her did cheer her up a little.
Okay, now back to my baby Claire.
Good job little man, it might be time for your own camera. hmmmm....

Papa's Girl

After a rough night and morning of feeling puny, Jillian left her permanent post of mom's lap for her Papa. She wouldn't let me put her down or leave her and showed no interest in leaving my lap until Papa came into the living room. She pathetically slide of my lap, crawled on Papa's and said "read to me." And so he did.
Heart melting.
Happy Thanksgiving Papa!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Way behind and More to come.

I was way behind on posting so you might have to click on older post to see them all. And I have more to post from this weekend, so check back soon. Happy Thanksgiving all!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Beanie Babies

Sunday Andy got out all of my beanie babies that were being stored in the garage. The kids loved them.

We have check all their birthdays (none had my kids') and read all their poems.
Jillian loved these three bunnies from the beginning.
They are still her favorite. I let them bring one along sometimes and she always picks one of these bunnies. Drew usually picks Stinky the skunk.
Daddy kisses
Sister saying lady bug - it is super cute. Now if I could catch her saying caterpillar, even cuter.

Drew making his skunk spray me again. This is funny every time to him, okay and me.
Drew "reading" Crunch the shark's poem.

Crunch's poem
He eats all the food that he finds
and if he gets a tummy ache
he will have to throw up.

The screaming sis in the background is hardly noticeable right?

Movie with Mommy

Saturday night Andy had some friends over to watch the UFC fight, so the kids and I camped out in our bedroom and watched UP on my computer.
Drew being silly and hiding from my picture.
We all fell asleep during the movie - it was super cute. The first time both have slept in bed with me. Once Andy came to bed he moved them back to their own beds. Jilli did fine, but Drew woke up and was sad, so he spent the whole night with us.


Drew has been asking to play in the leaves for weeks, so Andy took them out to play while they weather was still semi-nice.
Raking the yard.
I am thinking about renting these two out - any takers. They did a good job raking up the leaves.
What they need to work on is bagging them up, because it is almost two weeks later and that pile is still in my front yard.
All that work - now time to play.

Wish I could have been there to witness the fun, but daddy did a good job taking lots of picture for me.

Step one: grab as many leaves as you can

Step two: Toss
Gorgeous picture of my gorgeous boy.
Action shot
Sis was having lots of fun too.
I have to teach Andy the art of a barrette. Not a difficult concept yet one that seem to be lacking every time I am gone.
The best part.
Free fun - can't beat that.