Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sorry for the Lapse

Sorry for the lack of postings. I have had a rough couple weeks and haven't been feeling very bloggy lately. I have more pictures on the camera I will hopefully post soon.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bye Bye Meme

So Andy and I messed up a little. Jillian has been without her Meme for a couple months, but we still had them stashed around the house. Monday after our trip, Andy was off so we took the kids to school and caught up on some things around the house. I collected all the memes I could find and set them on the kitchen table. Then Andy and decided to go to the grocery store and while at the grocery store we decided to pick up the kids while we were out. All fine and dandy except the memes were waiting for us on the table when we got home. Not our intentions at all.
Jillian was so happy to see her long lost friends. She was less than convinced by me, to saying good bye to them and throwing them into the trash. I tell her "say bye bye meme" and she says "I got it" followed by retrieving more of them out of the trash. Luckily none went in her mouth, I would have been totally grossed out.

We finally convinced her to put all of them in the trash and Andy immediately took the trash out. She hasn't said a word about them since. My girl is growing up fast :(

Christmas in January

After a long drive down to West Plains we arrived late Friday night. First thing we did of course was open presents. The kids were pleased with Grandma Pam's plan.
Tons of cute clothes, tons of fun stuff and tons of candy!
Drew got a tent-tunnel-tepee from Grandma Pam and Grandpa George that was a big hit with both kids. I can't believe I don't have a picture of it. I made it in the background of some of the pictures. I have been a little lacks on my picture taking lately. My future as a paparazzi may not be as bright as once thought.
Grandpa Corky
The Bean
Our attempt at getting the kids picture with grandpa Corky. They had other ideas like rolling around and wrestling with each other.
Sunday morning after breakfast, Grandma Pam made the kids hot chocolate with marshmallow cream on top. Here is messy face girl - she only wanted the marshmallow, imagine that.
Drew on the other hand loved it all.
Grandma Pam and Drew before we left.
Grandpa George, Maggie and Drew
Jillian and some crazy pigtails with Grandpa George
Grandma Pam and her grandkids.


I took the kids for haircuts before visiting West Plains. Jillian got about an inch cut off and the lady blow dried her hair out straight. Jillian was sitting there soaking in all the pampering. It was so funny.
I am just trying to get the front grown out to the same length in the back, so we just keep trimming the mullet.
It makes her look so grown up.
Drew was in desperate need of a cut and he loved his because the lady gave him spikey hair.
As much as these two "fight" and annoy each other, I am always amazed by how much they love each other too.
I love this picture, Jillian is giving him a good squeeze.
Side/back view of sissy big girl hair cut.
Side note: her hair hasn't looked this cute since, probably because I don't take the time to blow dry my 2 year old's hair. Her general look it - partly curly bed head ;)

Dad's First Attempt

Our typical morning routine include Andy getting the kids dressed and brushing their teeth. I get home a little after 7:00, give morning greetings, fix sister's hair and then they are out the door around 7:20 am. This morning I was running a little late so Andy attempted his first pony.

I often joke that is not in male DNA for their hands to be able to maneuver the tiny rubber bands around hair. So I had to document his first attempt. Not TOO bad, I love that he tried to get the hair he missed out of her face by using barrettes. Needless to say I took it out and gave her a redo. A for effort Andy!

Sledding at the Nicholson's

Sunday while I was at work Andy and the neighborhood friends all gathered at the Nicholson's to enjoy our abundance of snow. They have some great hills for sledding.

The Longs are getting Drew, Luke and Owen ready for the their ride.
I love their little squeals, so cute!

Jillian and Emily went down together and had a crash landing. The video abruptly ends because Andy is sprinting down the hill to save his baby girl. She took a face plant into the snow and he said she was upset, but got over it pretty quickly and was ready for more sledding.

Andy and Drew going down on the inter tube.
They made it to the edge of the woods on that super fast tube.
Sister stompin in the snow. She loves playing outside in the snow.
Fun was had by all until it was time to leave.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sunday Sundaes

Drew after time in the snow in his long under wear and excited for sundaes.
I asked Drew if I could fill his mouth with whip cream, of course he said yes. We had a bum can that was supper messy. Sister wouldn't let me get near her with that whip cream can.
My friend Mindy at work got me this sundae set for Christmas. Drew has been eyeing it all week long. Drew just found out he like maraschino cherries.
Our Sunday sundaes turned out very yummy - Thanks Mindy.

More Snow Play

For those of you don't know Kansas City is more like Fargo this winter. Sunday, Andy and the kids went out for some more snow time.
They were all shoveling to make a snow pile or snow fort or something.
Drew took the hoe he was using to make the pile, lifted it up with snow on the end with the intent of putting snow on his tongue. I am sure everyone can imagine how that turned out - a whole face full of snow that quickly ended Drew outside time.
Sister stayed out and played with dad just a little longer.
Sitting on top of their snow pile.

Silly Socks

The kids love wearing my silly socks - I guess it's good someone uses them because I can't remember the last time I did.
I like how sister's legs are crossed.
This was during my post holiday coma, I was at work 30 out of 34 hours on NYE and new years day. I slept so hard that I didn't even hear the kids come in my room, open my drawer and get out the socks.

NYE - Guys Time

I had to work New Year's eve and Jillian was feeling puny, so the boys stayed up together that night and had some guys time. They made some homemade confetti to throw at midnight. Guys time included lots of hot wheels and root beer floats.
Silly face..
And another...
They were awesome, according to Drew.
Happy New Year!
Drew was probably shocked that dad was letting him make a mess. Maybe his New Year's resolution is to lighten up :)
After their celebration they called Nana and Papa to wish them Happy New Year! I think they were a little surprised Drew was able to stay up.
Innocent bystander

Stealing Sister's Stickers

Of all the things this kid got for Christmas, he is jealous of his little sister's stickers in her coloring books. I told him that he could have one sticker and this is what he heard through his 4 year old filter.
5 - I think was the total.
I have no idea what he is doing here - but it makes for a funny picture.
He really wasn't in that much trouble, sister wasn't even mad. Definitely going to working on his listening skills in 2010 though.