So most of you probably know that I like to spend the kids' actual birthdays with them, just the two of us. This year I took Drew to a place call Emerald City Gym. Lots for kids to play on, run on, jump on.... Tons of fun as you can imagine.

I was a little self conscious about my camera. Most of the mothers there with their little ones, looked like regulars, not special occassioners like us.
I wished I had an extra hand that day. There was a rope swing and a sponge pit to drop into. Drew hung on to the rope and never let go - just swinging back and forth. He just couldn't get up the courage to let go. I told him that was okay and another little boy told him how he used to be scared and wouldn't let go. It was really sweet. It would have made a funny video and cool pics, but I had to keep my hands free in case he needed me.

After the gym, we went to the new Fritz on Shawnee Mission Parkway, it is only about 15 minutes from our house. This is the place where the train brings your food to you - always a hit.
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