Check out Jillian's glitter technique. She followed my instructions well. I put the glue on the ornament and then they have to sprinkle the glitter onto it. They give you a paint brush, so of course they both wanted to paint the glitter on, but then the brush would have glue all over it when you went for the next glitter dip. So I showed then how to dip in the glitter and then tap the brush so the glitter falls onto the glue. Not too bad for a 2 year old.
This is Drew's mess after ornament number 1, each had to make 3.

Notice the glitter spill, oh well accidents happen. Andy would be having a coronary right about then. That is why we try and make our messes when Dad is no where around.
Finished for the night. We added the kiddos pictures of course, some beads and ribbon to hang on the tree by. I am not so good at taking picture of the final product, trust me they were cute. I am pretty sure the grandparents would love them no matter what they looked like though.
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