Sunday after Drew's fox party we had to put up our tree and decorate for Christmas. Miss Jenny was coming over for pictures the next morning. I really know how to cram it all in, huh. Did I mention it was the first week of finals also? Bailey Browns ready for some decorating.

That night our time was split between putting up the tree (mostly done by dad) and getting all the new toys out of the boxes and playing.

We turned on the some Christmas music and the Jilli dancing began.
This girl's moves were cracking me up.
Shake it sister!
The saga continues....
Now she has convinced her brother to join in.
My sweet birthday boy. That is one handsome 4 year old if I do say so my self.

This girl's face is adorable even with pizza sauce on it. I think she likes our dancing/decorating party.

One of today new gifts, the loop and launch.

I have watched this exact launch probably 250 plus times already and every time Drew says "mom you gotta watch this."
Time for ornaments.

Last year Jillian was too little for ornament hanging. This year she absolutely loved it. There is a spot on our tree right in front at the bottom where she hung about 5 ornaments practically on the same branch. It is my favorite part of this year's tree. (By the way, Jillian is all about Mickey and Minnie right now - I hope it stays that way until we go to Disney)
Drew was a great helper as usually, but he was having a hard time tearing himself away from all the new toys.
El Mustache - lazy Rox hanging out on the edge of the couch. She is so darn cute, too bad she would hang around for Miss Jenny's pictures the next morning.
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