Drew's cool Batman cake - he could hardly wait for the Batman toy on top of the cake.

He looks excited.

No being scared of the birthday song this time - we had a talk.

Wishing hard......

Out they go. Later that night Drew told me he wished for lots of snow. About an hour after the party, it started to snow pretty hard and the look on his face was priceless - like it worked.

More cake and some ice cream too.

Poor baby Claire didn't get any. Just wait little bit, 3 more months and the cake will be yours.

Topless sis gobbling it up. That black and blue icing would have left a permanent stain.

Silly boy.

The presents were out long before it was time to open them and as you can imagine that was a test of Drew's patience. A test he failed - but finally it was time!

Batman cave.

Batman toy and batman movie from sister. That girl is so thoughtful.

Cool tractor from his Nana and Papa.

Aunt Tammy, Uncle Bryce and Baby Claire got Drew his own camera that he loves. I think he loves the fact that he doesn't have to ask my permission. Just picks it up and takes pictures of whatever he wants.

Drew in his batman mask - a little scary if you ask me.

Plumber's crack. (Can I just say poor sister, in all of the post from tonight, they include her wedgie, her picking her nose and her plumber's butt - my honest apologies sis).

Papa getting all of Drew's new toys out of the boxes for him. This is a chore for those of you that don't know they wire them in there for some serious security.

Our sweet baby Claire. She is such a good baby. I don't think I heard a single whine or cry out of that girl all night.

Drew showing off our Christmas train. Claire liked watching it go around the tree.

Drew making himself at home on Aunt Tam's lap.

The birthday bonanza is all over - lots of work, but even more fun.
Happy 4th Birthday my sweet boy!
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