Friday morning we headed out on a family road trip. We needed sometime together just the 4 of us. Drew was super excited for Silver Dollar City.

Jillian had no clue what to be excited for, so why not nap it out.

First thing we did when we got there was go see Santa. Drew has been talking
about this for weeks. He told me he was going to tell Santa that he wanted every toy. I explained that Santa was a very busy person and just to ask for the one thing her wanted the most. He told Santa he wanted a
Skywalker. He has no clue about Star Wars, but his friend Luke got
Skywalker stuff for his birthday, so it must be cool. Andy took Jillian up to Santa because she would have never left my arms for Santa's lap.

Jillian screamed her lungs out. The photographer was trying so ring bells and shake toys to make her smile and look at the camera, obviously none of those worked and I told him to just take the picture. Our official picture is pretty hilarious, always gets a laugh. Wish I could digitize it and post it. We will see, I am not sure if it considered a professional picture or not.

Drew has never cried on Santa's lap. This is Jillian's second year in a row. In the picture below we are mailing Drew's letter to Santa.

Roberts Family
Jillian was fine with Santa from a distance and even said goodbye when we left Kringle Crossing.
We went to the Frosty show - it was super cute.

Both kids were on stage listening intently and then Jillian saw me come down to the front and of course wanted on my lap, that is until it started snowing.
Jillian was ready to come back to my lap and then she realized she knew the song and gave a little bounce. Jingle bells is her favorite Christmas song.

Drew loved being on stage.

Silly boy in the stroller.
Trying to get Jillian to look at the snowflakes, but she is more interested in the funnel cake. At the end she says "knife please" because she has a plastic knife and wants to cut a piece of the funnel cake to eat.
Me waiting for the rest of them to finish their funnel cake. Funnel cake is not my thing. I know crazy, fat girl doesn't like funnel cake, but it is true.

Andy on the other hand gets one
every time we see them.

Not sure what setting to use for Christmas light pictures, obviously not something I figured out.
Waiting for the parade and watching the five story lighted tree.
Santa in the parade. Jillian waved.

The bean watching the lighted Christmas parade. If you look right in front of her jacket, that is my head. I am sitting on the cold concrete and she is on my shoulders. Good thing it was a short parade.

Snowflake Princess

Gingerbread House
Jillian and psycho mama riding the train.
This is my smile after holding a crying, almost 30lb 2 1/2 year old for 20 plus minutes while waiting for the train.

Daddy and hot chocolate mustached Drew

After a freezing, lost in the parking lot fiasco we headed to the hotel. Went to the pool and hot tub and got warmed up. Then back to the room for eats and sleep.

Sister was much happier in her warm
jammies with her blanket and rabbit.
Exhausted Drew, although he would never tell you he was tired.

We ordered pizza and ate it in bed, that's a first.

While we watched
We had two double beds and the boys slept in one and the girls in the other. Right before actual sleep there was 10 minutes of "good night boys," "good night girls" and so on and so on.
I can never catch "the" moment and then I try to get them to reenact it and it never is the same. Jillian was dancing and singing Nana, Papa house. She has been excited to go for weeks. When I ask her if she is ready to go to school, store where ever she usually gives me a gruff "No! Nana Papa house!"
They were a little excited if you can't tell. They love Nana and Papa's house and mostly because that is where Nana and Papa are.
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