Sunday was Drew's friend party at the movie theatre. We watched The Fantastic Mr. Fox (by the way not so fantastic). While waiting for all of our friends to arrive we corralled the party peeps in the arcade. The best part is, at this age they were all content just pretending and pressing the buttons. No money required. Below is Miss Daley racing her car.

The fox cupcakes turned out really cute. Drew was super excited because he has an extra big chocolate fox cupcake!
Preparing to sing to birthday boy.
Drew saying he was scared and trying to hide under the table cloth. Can we say fire hazard?
Enjoying his extra big chocolate foxy cupcake.
Eating the icing off first of course.
Drew got lots of awesome toys. 3 hot wheels race track sets that have been his constant entertainment for more than a week now.
Jillian was excited for his presents too.
Loop and Launch is a fav.
Kodi girl helping Drew out. This present was from mom and dad - it was a helmet and knee and elbow pads. hmmmmmmm
Oh now it makes sense. The big one. His big boy Buzz Lightyear bike.
Drew with his friends and his new bike. Does it get better than this? Yes it does.
Once all his friend left and we were cleaning up and making sure we had everything our party helper took Drew out in the movie theatre hall way and let him ride his bike. She made a big deal about it, telling him that no body EVER gets to ride their bike at the movie theatre. Drew thought this was the coolest.

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