I don't even know how this silliness started, but apparently it was crazy hat night at the Roberts' house. We were trying to get a picture of Jillian with her Karate kid headband, obviously it didn't work out.

Merry Christmas from Bailey Browns! She is so darn cute. Who could say no to that face? Obviously the person who dropped her off at the pound, must have been heartless.

So of course Drew wants to wear the headband. Andy showed him how to bow and then we couldn't get a picture of his face either. Geesh!

Wax on, wax off.
(I don't think I have ever seen the karate kid, I just asked my co-worker a famous quote from the movie and that is what he told me.)

My dogs personalities are perfectly depicted in these photos. Bailey is constantly in my face demanding attention and Lucy is constantly laying down.
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