Monday, April 19, 2010

Pictures Galore - Easter at Nana and Papa's

Easter weekend at mom and dads was fun and relaxing all at once. My family hadn't been up there since Christmas. When Claire came Saturday morning she was wearing her batgirl shirt from Drew, so of course we had to get pictures. I love the picture below because of my giggling boy and the look that Claire is giving him. It also demonstrates my husband's picture taking capabilities or lack there of.
Over here Batgirl!

Sweet Hugs
Time for the egg hunt. We brought our mud boots because we knew the yard would be squishy.
Jillian is ready......
... and excited. If only we could crop out the dog butt hole in the picture, it would be so much cuter. Now you can't stop looking at it, right? You're so gross.
Drew seems to be making a plan of attack.
ooooo.... piggy food. Drew loved his motorcycle that was in his basket.
Youngest first. Claire loved shaking the eggs.

I thought this was a cute one.
Now it was Jillian's turn.
She gets excited about every single egg.
Drew waited very patiently for his turn.
Kyle was Drew's helper, as always.
Claire, shaking her eggs.
After all 50 eggs were found everyone headed in but sister. She wanted to stay outside, so we decided to swing.
Daddy and his baby girl.

My twinkies.

My turn to swing with the bean.
Nana getting some baby Claire lovin.
Andy the pups lazing around. It is nice to not have a million things to do on the weekend.
Claire making some calls.
Batman (making a silly face) and Batgirl playing together.

Payton and McKenzie brought up some cool kites. Payt's was a shark.
McKenzie's was a killer whale. We were all trying to get hers up in the air, but the wind was coming and going, so it made it a little difficult.
"Yeah Wind" Probably not the most common cheer.
Nothin better than some puddle stompin.
That looks like it is going to be a big jump.
The girls!
Claire rocking in the rocking chair. She is giving me the stare down.

So cute, our Claire.

So cool, with her matching vest on.

Claire came over and gave Drew a hug, it was really sweet.
Then she laid a smooch on him. And for any of you that know what a 1 year old kisses like, open mouthed and drooly, you will understand Drew's expression. He loved it though.
The Roberts Family Easter morning.

Mom and Dad before church.
My three boys waking into church. My favorite picture of the weekend.

On the way home we stopped for our favorite ice cream. Drew got the end of dad's cone and made a mess. Sister was already asleep at this point and ice cream is not her thing, otherwise she would have been an even bigger mess. The chocolate may have lured her though.
Boy, were those moose tracks good.