Tuesday, October 20, 2009

T-Rex with Mad

The Wilson's were in KC so we met them for a late dinner at T-Rex. Andy took a picture of Tim ordering, not sure why, but it turned out to be a nice pic.
Me and the bean. I came over after work, so that's why everyone had to eat late.
Madeline refusing to look at Mr. Andy for a picture.
Mad got to build a dinosaur and she let Drew help give her a bath.
Drew and Jillian both wanted to build a dinosaur and I had to break the bad news to them. Jillian of course wanted the pink dino and she kept saying "I pink, I pink!"
Mad picked out a velociraptor and she named it Roary. She is so darn cute. Look at her adorable curls and her hair is getting long.
It was a short visit, but a good one. I think they will be coming up for Drew's birthday in December - Yeah!