Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Drew has been asking to play in the leaves for weeks, so Andy took them out to play while they weather was still semi-nice.
Raking the yard.
I am thinking about renting these two out - any takers. They did a good job raking up the leaves.
What they need to work on is bagging them up, because it is almost two weeks later and that pile is still in my front yard.
All that work - now time to play.

Wish I could have been there to witness the fun, but daddy did a good job taking lots of picture for me.

Step one: grab as many leaves as you can

Step two: Toss
Gorgeous picture of my gorgeous boy.
Action shot
Sis was having lots of fun too.
I have to teach Andy the art of a barrette. Not a difficult concept yet one that seem to be lacking every time I am gone.
The best part.
Free fun - can't beat that.