Monday, November 2, 2009

Post Pumpkin Bathing

So a bath was a definite must after our pumpkin carving. I caught these two making each other giggle. It was so darn cute. Jillian asked for a Kleenex at the very end, so funny,

I was trying to take a picture of sister's wild hair but the camera was still on video mode and then it caught some of Jillian's giggling. I couldn't resist posting it, even it is sideways.

Click on this picture and check out her fangs, she should have been a vampire for Halloween. We are lucky she is not a biter, ouch. She is trying to see her crazy hair that is making everyone laugh.SmilesA dirty look for Jillian - he he!Time for Drew's crazy hair.And Drew's silly face.Of course little sister does the same.Cracking each other up.

My crazy kids!