Friday, November 13, 2009

Flu Vaccinations

So my birthday weekend Saturday plans were pretty simple and laid back. They included taking the kids to get the H1N1 flu mist, the pediatrician had a flu clinic from 1 - 3 pm. I was completely unprepared for the turn out for this event. I thought we would just fill out paper work and then in and out like it was when Andy took them for the seasonal flu mist. So not the case. Thank god Nana was with me or I may have lost my mind. We get there at 1:00 and the line was already out the door. We waited in line for and hour and a half. The kids had not had lunch yet and all I had in my purse was raisins. We wait "patiently" and finally it is our turn. They ask when the kids had their seasonal flu mist, we figure out the date and unbelievably they were unable to get their H1N1 flu mist that day. WHAT!?!?! The two flu mist have to be at least 30 days apart. There are no words to describe what I was feeling. My relaxing weekend just became stressful with no end result.

Nana entertaining Jillian with her kisses. If Nana wasn't there I am not sure the three of us would have made it out of that place. So Andy took them last Wednesday and of course it was in and out, easy peasy, simple for him. Oh well, now they are vaccinated, I guess that is the important part.