Monday, February 1, 2010

Almost Forgot

At the beginning of January I took Drew for his 4 year well check appointment. He is doing perfect. Here are his stats:
  • Height - 40.25 inches (45 percentile)
  • Weight - 37 lbs (61 percentile)
  • Blood Pressure - 94/65 (which I assume is good, since no one mentioned it)

They also tested his vision and hearing for the first time at this visit.

Dr. Rogers said it was nice to see a child with average height and weight. Just like I told Drew, he asked if Drew ate his fruits and vegetables and if he took his vitamin. He also asked about his sleeping habits. Since Drew is so into being healthy and growing up strong, I use "remember what Dr. Rogers said" a lot to get the above accomplished.

We are doubly blessed that our children are perfectly healthy and right on track. God has been good to the Roberts Family.