Friday, May 21, 2010

The Kids Modeling Their Swimwear

Our photographer does lots of commercial work and sent out a face book message about looking for a boy 3-6 years old with dark hair for a shoot. So we were going to send some current pics and see how he would do. He didn't do great and he didn't do bad either. We were getting ready to send them to Jenny and she already found her guy. She was looking for dark dark hair and fairer skin than Drew's. But who knows he may have a modeling career in his future.
Of course Jillian wanted a turn.
Work it girl!
It was a swimwear shoot.
Look at that slim little boy body. You would think he would weigh 60lbs if you knew what this kid ate. Must be like his daddy.
Jillian saw Drew had his swim trunks on, so of course she wanted her swim suit on.
Fishy face.
I swear my kids are the cutest thing alive. Disagree and I'll keel you :)