Thursday, May 27, 2010

Outdoor Play - Bubbles, Singing, Swinging and Lucy in Action

Monday night was beautiful. The yard had dried up so it wasn't a mud pit like on Saturday. It was a little humid, but that couldn't stop us. We had some promises to keep. Recovery Sunday was full of promises that included bubbles and playing catch.
This big bubble contraption didn't even get opened Saturday.

I was trying to give sis some pointers but she was determined to do it her way.
She would dip the bubble wand and then hold it out and shake it. Which resulted in a soapy mom, but few bubbles.
Jillian loves to sing and I don't think it could be cuter.

I shall translate:

I had a tiny turtle. I named him tiny Tim. I put him in the bath tub to see if he could swim. He drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap. Now he's home sick in bed with bubbles in his throat. Bubbles bubbles bubbles, bubbles bubbles bubbles, bubbles bubbles bubbles, bubbles bubbles.......POP!

Drew man trying to help her out with Bingo.
One of my favorite pictures of the day.

This bubble wand was a little more her size and she had more bubble success with it.
She didn't give up on the big one though.
My handsome man!
Instead of shaking she switched to blowing.
And popping with her finger.
Deep thought
Deep breath in...
Close my eyes and blow harder.

Okay, time for some swinging.
That giggle melts my heart every time.

Look at the big bubble Drew is about to get.
I think Jillian could swing for hours, if she had a pusher for hours of course.

Action shots to follow
Lots of giggles.
I had this idea to catch her in the up swing and it would look like she was flying in the sky. I took lots of picture trying and posted some of the cute ones.
Closer. Dang tall house uphill from us, you are ruining my vision.

She is still having fun.
Here is the one and only with out the house or grass or trees in it. She is not looking and I was laying in the mud, but we finally got it.
Lucy is one viscous dog. She protects our family from all the soft, airy, floating bubbles.

Air Lucy
The boys playing catch with the velcro mitts.
Promises full filled, fun had.