Friday, June 4, 2010

A Shrektacular Friday With My Boy

Drew and I spent a Friday together running errands and then hitting the theatre for Shrek - Forever After in 3D. Here is our self portrait in front of the fountains at the legends waiting for our friends.
Playing in the fountain. I warned him not to get wet, it was going to be cold in the movie theatre. But he didn't listen, but he also didn't complain.

Drew and the Nicholson boys waiting for the Longs.
I can't believe that I didn't take any picture of them with their 3D glasses on. I am so mad at myself. This was my first 3D movie and it was so much cooler than I expected. I don't think I could have given a better description than Drew during the movie. He said "it is like the people in the movie are in my world. Well put my boy. We will be seeing another one soon, Toy Story 3 comes out in a couple of weeks. I will for sure get some pictures with their 3D glasses on then.