Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Jillian has been asking to go swimming for a while. So on our weekend with no plans, the whole family headed to the Tongenoxie pool.
Jillian making friends.
Jillian loved playing in the kiddie pool. The water was freezing compared to the big one, but she didn't seem to mind. By the end though her teeth were chattering.
Kicking and splashing.
Jilli and Drew

Water gymnastics
Laying on her belly

Soaking up the sun - not really I sunscreened her more than once.
Daddy and Drew in the big pool
Drew is a little timid in the water, so it was probably a good trip for him too.
We start swim lesson next Monday at this pool so he will be familiar with the place.

Drew did surprise me and he went down the water slides they have there. It was a slow slide and his head didn't go under, so he loved it. The boys spent some time at the slide, while sis and I froze in the kiddie pool. Jillian was too short for the slide otherwise I am sure she would have gone down too.
A nice relaxing time with all four of us.